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Jan 3, 2016

Trying to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? There’s an App for That

Trying to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? There’s an App for That

New Year, new you, right? Wrong. Sure, you always start strong: Juice cleanses, 6:00 a.m. workouts, new savings plan. But then you eat takeout every day, hit the snooze button more than the gym, and your savings account becomes $0 when you buy that shearling coat you didn’t get for Christmas. But, lucky for you, notkeeping your resolutions is so 2015. Here, eight apps that will help you keep on track in 2016.
Resolution: To Eat More Healthfully
App: Lark
Eating healthier would be much easier if we had a personal nutritionist telling us to eat this, not that. Enter the Lark app, listed as a personal weight loss coach and 24-7 nutritionist. Message back and forth with Lark as she analyzes your meals and provides suggestions for what to change about your diet. The best part? Lark can go with you everywhere.
Resolution: To Run a Half Marathon
App: Strava
It’s January 1 and you just Googled “couch potato to half marathon.” We know, it seems daunting, but there are tons of run-tracking apps available to help. One of our favorites is Strava. Not only does it track your runs while you have your phone, you can also upload workouts manually or through a compatible GPS tracker. There is even a challenge section that changes each month to push you ever further.
Resolution: To Invest Your Money
App: Robinhood
You’ve said it every year, but 2016 will be the year you start to invest your money. Robinhood is here to help. This app, which won the Apple Design Award last year, lets you invest for free—avoiding the $10 fees other companies require. Plus, there is no initial investment requirement, which makes it the ideal place to learn the ins and outs.
Resolution: To Learn a New Language
App: Duolingo
Learning a new language is not easy. But good news: Duolingo makes it a lot less painful with fun games and quizzes that take you through each level. With many languages to choose from, you can master one and move on to the next.
Resolution: To Work Out at Home
App: Nike Training Club
Nike Training Club provides a variety of workouts that you can do right in the comfort of your own home. All of the exercises in the 15- to 45-minute routines come with instructional videos. Plus, a few of the workouts are created by famous athletes. Before you realize it, the session is over, and you’re one day closer to completing your resolution.
Resolution: To Eat Less Takeout
App: Epicurious
Step one for cooking more at home is learning to cook. We have several apps that can help, but Epicurious has such good recipes, our mouths water just scrolling through it. The recipes are sorted in different categories, and you can add recipes to your shopping list so that the next time you’re at the supermarket, you know exactly what to buy.
Resolution: To Quit Procrastinating
App: Pomodoro Timer
If you can’t even get through this article without picking up your phone to checkInstagram, then it is a good thing you made this resolution. Pomodoro Timer is here to curb your procrastinating ways, with timed breaks just long enough to check a few emails, play a level of Candy Crush, and refill your coffee mug. You set the working time and break times, and once you’ve successfully gone through several rounds, you get an extra-long bonus break.
Resolution: To Start Dating Again
App: Bumble
The mastermind behind the dating app Bumble, Whitney Wolfe, puts the power in women’s hands. Once you swipe right and a match is made, you must initiate a conversation within 24 hours. If not, the connection disappears forever.
Trying to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? There’s an App for That Reviewed by bama on 8:45 AM Rating: 5 Trying to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? There’s an App for That New Year, new you, right? Wrong. Sure, you always start strong: Juice cl...

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